速報APP / 遊戲 / ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros

ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros



檔案大小:154.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros(圖1)-速報App

Past and present, myth and reality collide in Igpaw: Intramuros, an alternate/augmented reality game about Philippine history!

igpaw: to jump above in order to reach for, or go beyond, something.


Intramuros, the City Behind the Walls, was the historical heart of Manila—the seat of government, church, and culture, and stomping ground of some of Philippine history’s heroes, villains, and fantastical characters. Today, Intramuros is threatened. An unknown force is displacing these people from the past, and only you can save them.


Walk Intramuros’ streets to a parallel reality guided by Crispin, an altar boy from our national hero’s novel Noli Me Tangere; Fray Domingo, a ghost in search of his head; and a daligmata, a fantastic creature both wise and benevolent.

ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros(圖2)-速報App


In this old-school adventure game with a twist, pierce the veil of time and reality with your mobile device. Scan Intramuros’ historical markers to activate game segments. Orient your device towards historic figures and click to interact with them. Pan your device up, down, left, and right to search the surroundings for lost in-game items and return them to their rightful owners. Solve a variety of logic puzzles and reach out to historical figures from diverse time periods, such as Mother Ignacia, General Douglas MacArthur, Rajah Sulayman, Pope John Paul II, and Jose Rizal, to heal the rift and restore peace in Intramuros.

Igpaw: Intramuros. Jump past the walls!

Watch the full trailer here: https://youtu.be/Q4-ioYX4zI8



ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros(圖3)-速報App

By downloading, installing, or using Igpaw: Intramuros, you agree to be bound by the End-User License Agreement, available here: http://penoy.admu.edu.ph/~alls/archives/3503

ADMU Igpaw: Intramuros(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad